
Tесh Dеаlѕ 🔥 Klein Tools 5127 6-Pocket Tool Pouch

Product reviews Klein Tools 5127 6-Pocket Tool Pouch

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Gеt Dіѕсоunt оƒƒеr Klein Tools 5127 6-Pocket Tool Pouch

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Color Black
Brand Klein Tools
Material Leather
Item Dimensions LxWxH 11.5 x 7 x 2.5 inches
Item Weight 12.6 Ounces

  • Features a large utility pocket, three pliers pockets and two screwdriver pockets
  • Stitched and riveted leather construction for long life
  • Slotted to fit belts up to 2-Inches (51 mm) wide
  • Includes a knife snap
  • Assembled in USA of U.S. and imported components
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Product Description

Product Description

This Klein Tools 6-Pocket leather tool pouch features rivet reinforcement to promote longer life. In addition to the 6 pockets, The pouch has a knife snap holder. The pouch is designed to conveniently attach to a belt for ready access to items. Slotted pouch is suitable for up to 2-inch wide belts. Riveted leather pouch keeps the tools easily accessible. Has large utility pocket, 3 pliers pockets, 2 screwdriver pockets. For more than 160 years, Klein Tools has manufactured premium-quality, professional-grade hand tools that deliver the performance, durability and precision needed to get the job done right. Our family of engineers, workers and Craftsman continue to put six generations of expertise into every tool we create by using only the highest quality materials, superior workmanship, and keeping manufacturing as close to home as we can. Klein isn't just the name of our Company, it's also our family name. And since we're an American Company that's family-owned and family-run, you know you can count on us to be here tomorrow. Klein Tools doesn't just make great products, we make great products that stand up to the demands of the professionals who use them every day . Since 1857.

From the Manufacturer

The Klein 5127 6-Pocket Leather Tool Pouch is riveted to assure a long and durable life. It has a slotted belt connection and has the specialty knife snap add on also. The Klein 5127 6-Pocket Leather Tool Pouch has a belt width of 2-Inch and an overall size of 7- by 10-Inch. Since 1857, the company operated by Mathias Klein and his descendants to the fifth generation, has grown and developed along with the telecommunications and electrical industries where Klein pliers first found major usages. Today, Klein Tools, Inc. represents much more than Klein pliers. The company's product line has broadened to include virtually every major type of hand tool used in construction, electronics, mining, and general industry in addition to the electrical and telecommunications fields. Internationally, Klein's products are available around the world through a well-established network of agents and distributors who stock the products that are required for their particular markets. Klein's reputation as a leading producer of professional-quality products is global.

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Frее Shірріng 🛒 Klein Tools 5127 6-Pocket Tool Pouch

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Gеt Dіѕсоunt 70% Prісе Klein Tools 5127 6-Pocket Tool Pouch


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